Why do I need to know about Economics?

How are we involved in economics?

We the people are involved in economics when we spend or receive money.  It is determined by the movement of money between individual people or groups of people like a corporation.

A magazine that you should be familiar is The Economist.  Each issue is filled with articles on world news, politics, economics, business and finance.


What are three role of the main economic group?

  1. The producers
  2. The consumers
  3. The government

The study of Economics is so important to comprehend how the economics work, and how it affects all parts of our daily lives.  At least learn the basic of economic concepts.  By doing that, it will help you understand how the world works.  


Studying economics helps you make a better decision running a business and making more profit.

Learning about economics is important for several reasons:

  1. Understanding the economy: Economics helps us understand how the economy works, including how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed. This knowledge can help us make better decisions about how we manage our personal finances and how we participate in the broader economy.
  2. Making informed decisions: Economics provides us with tools to make informed decisions about various economic issues, such as how to allocate resources, how to set prices, and how to manage risk. These decisions can affect our personal lives and the economy as a whole.
  3. Participating in the economy: A basic understanding of economics can help us participate more effectively in the economy, whether as consumers, producers, or investors. This can help us make better decisions about how we spend, save, and invest our money.
  4. Solving economic problems: Economics provides us with a framework for analyzing and solving economic problems, such as unemployment, inflation, and economic inequality. This knowledge can help us identify the root causes of these problems and develop effective solutions.
  5. Engaging in public policy debates: Economics play’s a crucial role in public policy debates about issues such as taxation, trade, and regulation. Understanding economics can help us engage in these debates more effectively and make informed decisions about policy proposals.


Supply vs. Demand

Take a luxury brand handbag like Louis Vuitton maker that sells handbags and sells them at a price of $1,540 for the tote bag. If the price is $500 it would get orders of 10,000 per month. But the brand produces only 1000 quantities every month and it receives the same number of orders every month and it clears its inventory in a month itself. I use to be a buyer for a large department store so why would I want to lower my price when I can only produce 1,000 and I empty my stock.  Open to buy  more merchandise.

$500 x 10,000 (but, you can’t produce 10,000 handbag per month) = $5,000.000.00
$1,540 x 1,000 Produce per month = $1,540.000.00 (clears the inventory in a month)

I rather produce less, sell it at a higher price and clear my inventory.

Did you pay attention to both monetary and non monetary factors? Did you consider opportunity costs and your long-term goals?



The difference between Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics

Macroeconomics is about the price you pay for goods and services, the tax you pay on income, and the effects of macroeconomic policy on interest rates, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  It is the study of the economy as a whole. 

Microeconomics is the study of small economic units.  Microeconomics is the behavior of the customer, the incentives, the pricing, the margins and so on.

What is GDP  (Gross Domestic Products)?

The dollar value of all final goods and services that is produced in each country’s in one year.  The GDP helps to determine the economic health of a nation because when it increases, it means that people are working and goods are in demand.

Definition: Microeconomics is the study of individuals, households and firms’ behavior in decision making and allocating their funds. How a city decides to spend a government surplus. The housing market of a particular city/neighborhood.

Microeconomics explains the working of a capitalist economy where individual are free to take their own decision.


The economic prosperity or poverty of a country is influenced by a combination of complex and interconnected factors. Here are some key reasons why one country may be poor while another is prospering in economics:

  1. Natural Resources: The presence of abundant natural resources, such as minerals, oil, or fertile land, can significantly contribute to a country’s economic prosperity. Nations with valuable resources have opportunities for export revenues and can attract foreign investment, leading to economic growth. In contrast, countries lacking such resources may face challenges in generating wealth and development.

  2. Human Capital: A well-educated and skilled workforce can boost productivity and innovation, leading to economic growth. Countries that invest in education, healthcare, and workforce development tend to have a more prosperous economy.

  3. Political Stability and Governance: Stable political environments with effective governance and institutions promote economic growth and attract investment. In contrast, political instability, corruption, and weak governance can hinder economic development.

  4. Trade and Market Access: Countries that engage in international trade and have access to global markets can benefit from specialization, economies of scale, and technology transfers. Favorable trade policies and agreements can lead to economic prosperity.

  5. Infrastructure and Technology: Adequate infrastructure, including transportation, communication, and energy systems, fosters economic development. Access to technology and the ability to innovate also play a crucial role in a country’s economic success.

  6. Economic Policies: Sound economic policies, including fiscal and mo

All countries’ major goal is to promote economic growth, limit unemployment, and keep prices stable.


Understanding economics is important for both children and adults because it plays a crucial role in shaping how societies function and how individuals make decisions. Here are some reasons why everyone, regardless of age, should have a basic understanding of economics:

  1. Personal Finance: Economics help individuals manage their personal finances more effectively. By understanding concepts like budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, people can make informed decisions about their money, leading to better financial well-being.

  2. Making Informed Decisions: Economic knowledge empowers individuals to make better decisions in various aspects of life, such as choosing a career, purchasing goods and services, or planning for the future.

  3. Understanding Government Policies: Economic principles influence government policies, including taxation, welfare programs, and international trade agreements. Being economically literate enables people to critically evaluate these policies and engage in informed discussions about their impact on society.

  4. Entrepreneurship: For aspiring entrepreneurs, understanding economics is essential. It helps them identify market opportunities, understand consumer behavior, and make informed choices to ensure the success of their businesses.

  5. Global Perspective: Economics provides insights into how the global economy functions and how countries interact through trade and financial systems. This understanding is crucial in a globally interconnected world.

  6. Addressing Economic Issues: A basic understanding of economics allows people to engage in discussions about economic issues, such as inflation, unemployment, and income inequality, and contribute to finding potential solutions.

  7. Participating in Democracy: In democratic societies, informed citizens are better equipped to participate in economic policy discussions and make informed choices during elections.

  8. Avoiding Exploitation: Economic illiteracy can make individuals vulnerable to financial scams, predatory lending, and other forms of exploitation. Understanding economics helps protect people from falling victim to such practices.

  9. Responsible Citizenship: Economic literacy is an essential aspect of responsible citizenship. Informed citizens can better comprehend the implications of economic policies and hold policymakers accountable for their decisions.

  10. Career Opportunities: Many professions and industries require at least a basic understanding of economics. Whether someone is in finance, politics, healthcare, or environmental science, economic knowledge can enhance their ability to excel in their chosen career path.

Overall, economic literacy empowers individuals to participate more actively in society, make informed decisions, and navigate the complex economic landscape that influences their daily lives. It helps individuals become more financially responsible and enables them to contribute positively to the economic and social well-being of their communities and the world at large.




Don’t you want to know why some nations are rich, why some are poor, and why some are very poor in order to address the problems of hunger, poverty, disease, illiteracy, and so much more. 

Check out the Global Finance for the World’s Richest and Poorest Countries.

Don’t you want to analyze the past so that you can plan for the present and the future of your businesses, making wise financial decisions, and making informed personal decisions.  Make the right decision.


Finance a branch of Economics

Finance in many respects is a branch of economics, Finance describes the management, the creation and study of money, banking industries, credit, investments, assets, and liabilities.  Finances can be divided into three categories:

  1. Public finance
  2. Corporate finance
  3. Personal finance

The Study of Economics

The study of economics helps you understand the world.  It empowers you to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that appears or emerge when things change, and it provides you with the skills and the knowledge that employers want.

As an entrepreneur, having a solid understanding of world economics can be highly beneficial in several ways.

Here are some key ways in which knowledge of world economics can help you as an entrepreneur:

  1. Identifying Market Opportunities: Understanding global economic trends and market dynamics can help you identify emerging opportunities and potential gaps in the market. Being aware of changing consumer preferences, international trade patterns, and economic growth prospects can guide you in developing innovative products or services that meet current and future market demands.

  2. Navigating Global Markets: In today’s interconnected world, many businesses operate on a global scale. Knowing world economics enables you to assess the economic conditions and business environment of various countries, facilitating better decision-making when expanding into new markets or establishing international partnerships.

  3. Managing Currency Risks: Engaging in international trade exposes your business to currency fluctuations. A grasp of world economics helps you anticipate currency risks and implement appropriate strategies, such as hedging or pricing adjustments, to mitigate potential losses.

  4. Understanding Trade Policies: International trade agreements and tariffs can significantly impact your business’s import and export operations. Knowledge of world economics allows you to stay informed about trade policies and adapt your business strategies accordingly.

  5. Accessing Capital and Financing: Economic conditions in different regions can affect the availability of capital and financing options. Being well-versed in world economics helps you make informed decisions when seeking funding sources or making investment decisions.

  6. Responding to Economic Shocks: Global economic events, such as financial crises or recessions, can have far-reaching effects on businesses. Understanding world economics enables you to be more agile in responding to economic shocks and implementing contingency plans to safeguard your business.

  7. Evaluating Investment Opportunities: As an entrepreneur, you may encounter various investment opportunities, both domestically and internationally. Knowledge of world economics enables you to assess the economic viability and risks associated with potential investments more effectively.

  8. Monitoring Supply Chain Risks: International supply chains can be complex, and disruptions in one part of the world can impact your business operations. Understanding world economics allows you to identify potential supply chain risks and develop strategies to ensure continuity and resilience.

  9. Anticipating Regulatory Changes: Economic conditions can influence government policies and regulations. Being aware of world economics helps you anticipate potential changes in regulations that may impact your business and adapt your operations accordingly.

  10. Networking and Collaborations: Having a grasp of world economics facilitates meaningful conversations and collaborations with international partners and stakeholders. It shows that you are well-informed about the global business landscape and can lead to more fruitful relationships.

In summary, as an entrepreneur, being knowledgeable about world economics enables you to make informed decisions, adapt to changing global conditions, identify opportunities for growth, and navigate the complexities of the international business landscape more effectively. It can give you a competitive edge and contribute to the long-term success of your ventures.



As an entrepreneur seeking to stay updated on economics, there are several reputable websites that provide valuable insights and news related to global economic trends, market developments, and business opportunities.

Here are some websites you should consider regularly visiting:

  1. The Economist (economist.com): A renowned publication offering in-depth analysis of global economic and business issues. It covers a wide range of topics, including finance, politics, technology, and international affairs.

  2. Bloomberg (bloomberg.com): A comprehensive financial news website covering markets, business, technology, and economics. It provides real-time data, analysis, and insights from around the world.

  3. Financial Times (ft.com): A leading international business newspaper providing extensive coverage of financial markets, economic trends, and global business news.

  4. Reuters (reuters.com): A trusted news agency that covers global economic, financial, and business news with a focus on accuracy and reliability.

  5. The Wall Street Journal (wsj.com): A prominent business newspaper with coverage of economic and financial news, markets, and corporate developments.

  6. World Bank (worldbank.org): The official website of the World Bank, providing data, reports, and research on global economic development and trends.

  7. International Monetary Fund (IMF) (imf.org): The IMF’s website offers economic data, research, and analysis on international financial stability and economic developments.

  8. World Economic Forum (weforum.org): Provides insights on global economic issues, development trends, and discussions on various topics related to business and society.

  9. Investopedia (investopedia.com): A valuable resource for financial education, investing insights, and economic news.

  10. MarketWatch (marketwatch.com): A financial information website that covers markets, business, economy, and personal finance.

  11. Forbes (forbes.com): While primarily a business magazine, Forbes offers economic analysis and insights through its economics and finance section.

  12. Project Syndicate (project-syndicate.org): This website features opinion articles from leading economists and thinkers, providing diverse perspectives on economic issues.

Remember to verify information from multiple sources and critically evaluate the content you read. Additionally, consider subscribing to newsletters or setting up RSS feeds to receive regular updates from your preferred sources. Staying informed on economics through these websites can help you make well-informed decisions as an entrepreneur and stay ahead in an ever-changing global business landscape.



20 essential things to know about economics:

  1. Supply and Demand: The fundamental principle that explains how prices of goods and services are determined in a market economy.

  2. Opportunity Cost: The concept that making a choice means giving up the next best alternative.

  3. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a given time period, used as a key indicator of economic growth.

  4. Inflation: The increase in the general price level of goods and services over time, leading to a decrease in purchasing power.

  5. Unemployment: The percentage of the labor force that is without a job and actively seeking employment.

  6. Fiscal Policy: Government decisions on spending and taxation to influence economic growth and stability.

  7. Monetary Policy: Actions taken by a country’s central bank to control the money supply and interest rates to achieve economic goals.

  8. Trade and Comparative Advantage: The ability of a country to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another country.

  9. Exchange Rates: The value of one currency relative to another, influencing international trade and investment.

  10. Elasticity: A measure of how responsive the quantity demanded or supplied of a good is to changes in its price or other factors.

  11. Externalities: The unintended side effects of economic activities that affect third parties not directly involved in the transaction.

  12. Market Structures: Different types of market organization, such as perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition.

  13. Economic Indicators: Statistics used to assess the health of an economy, including unemployment rate, inflation rate, and consumer confidence.

  14. Budget Deficits and National Debt: The difference between government spending and revenue, and the accumulation of past deficits over time.

  15. Economic Growth and Development: The increase in a country’s production of goods and services over time and the improvement of living standards.

  16. Globalization: The increasing interconnectedness of economies and societies across the world through trade, investment, and technology.

  17. Economic Cycles: The recurring pattern of expansion (growth) and contraction (recession) in an economy.

  18. Sustainability and Environmental Economics: The study of the interaction between the economy and the environment and how to achieve sustainable development.

  19. Labor Market: The market where workers and employers interact to determine wages and employment levels.

  20. Rational Choice Theory: The assumption that individuals make decisions based on rational calculations, seeking to maximize their utility or well-being.

These are just some of the essential concepts and topics in economics. Understanding these principles can provide valuable insights into how economies function and the factors that influence economic outcomes.



Good Luck